United Family Nanjing Clinic Officially Opened | 和睦家南京门诊部正式开诊!


近日,和睦家南京门诊部正式开诊。当天恰逢世界卫生日(World Health Day),世界卫生日设立的宗旨是希望引起世界各国对卫生问题的重视,并动员世界各国人民普遍关心和改善当前的卫生状况,提高人类健康水平。和睦家南京门诊部选择在这一天开诊也是为了响应世界卫生组织的号召,向大众传播和睦家医疗全科为本,患者为中心,预防为主的健康管理理念。

Recently, United Family Nanjing Clinic officially opened its doors for business. This opening day also coincided with World Health Day with the purpose of highlighting health issues in every country around the world and also to encourage people across China to care for their health, thus improving the current health situation and level. United Family Nanjing Clinic responded to this call by the World Health Organization by choosing to open on this day. United Family Nanjing Clinic is dedicated to bringing the concept of family medicine, patient centered care, and preventive medicine which is crucial to people around the world. 


The department of Family Medicine at United Family Nanjing Clinic has already opened its doors. Other departments including Dermatology, Eye Clinic, ENT, Dental Clinic, Gastroenterology, and Obstetrics and Gynecology will gradually be available to receive patients soon.


On the first day of operations, United Family Nanjing Clinic received a myriad of patients. Removing the usual hustle and bustle of a normal visit, they were able to enjoy a peaceful consultation that lasted for 40 minutes or so. They also felt pleased with the clinic environment and services. Two young patients who underwent a health check-up at United Family Nanjing Clinic are from Jianye and Baixia districts respectively. These little ones who were accompanied by their parents completed a full check-up in a pleasant setting thanks to their active cooperation with our experienced doctors and nurses.  



Children were especially fond of the little doctor and little bear toys



The patients enjoying the relaxed, clean environment, and excellent doctors of United Family Nanjing Clinic


United Family Nanjing Clinic is located at the south of the Olympic Sports Center, adjoining many renowned universities and staffed by a team of dedicated bilingual doctors and nurses. Experience high quality, standard-setting international health-care with us at one convenient location near your work and home.


United Family Nanjing Clinic is a critical component in the national healthcare network. United Family Healthcare Board Chair Ms. Roberta Lipson said: “the opening of United Family Nanjing Clinic will bring professional and state-of-the-art medical services to local residents and foreigners, contributing to the establishment and improvement of the UFH network.”


和睦家医疗 (United Family Healthcare) 成立于1997年,是具备高水平的开拓性医疗机构。 和睦家的宗旨是,提供综合性的医疗服务,创造以患者为中心的家庭式就医环境。

和睦家医疗成立20年来,已经在北京、上海、天津、广州、无锡、和青岛设立了医院及诊所,为当地居民提供高质量的医疗服务。北京、上海,天津和广州的和睦家医院及诊所已经通过了国际联合医疗委员会(JCI) 的认证,这是和睦家一贯宗旨的最好例证:坚守国际标准的医疗品质,确保患者的安全健康,提供卓越的医疗服务。