


英国太阳报在3月2日刊登了一条新闻《糖尿病研究提出五种类型,而不是两种》。普遍观点认为,除妊娠期糖尿病 、怀孕期间发生的糖尿病外有两种主要类型:1型和2型。在确定一个人患有哪种类型的糖尿病时,医疗保健专业人员会在血液中寻找糖尿病相关的自身抗体,这种自身抗体的存在就属于1型糖尿病的指标,不存在被认为患有2型糖尿病。但是,瑞典和芬兰的科学家认为越来越多的证据表明糖尿病具有很高的的异质性,糖尿病应该被分成五大类“集群”,新的研究报告已发表在柳叶刀糖尿病与内分泌学论坛上,以下是原版新闻消息。

Diabetes is five different diseases, not two, experts have discovered.The findings could lead to more personalized treatments for sufferers, scientists said.

And it could help doctors identify which patients are most likely to suffer from nasty complications, including going blind, in the early stages.Currently, there are two types of diabetes – both of which cause a person’s blood sugar levels to become too high.

Type 1 diabetes is where the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin – a key hormone that helps break down sugar.Meanwhile, type 2 is more common accounting for around 95 percent of diabetes cases in the US,according to the American Diabetes Association.It’s linked to obesity and lifestyle factors and is where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the body doesn’t react to insulin.

But now, a team of scientists in Sweden and Finland has identified five clusters of patients with diabetes.And each comes with significantly different characteristics and risk of complications, they found.“This new substratification might eventually help to tailor and target early treatments to patients who would benefit most, thereby representing a first step towards precision medicine in diabetes,” the researchers said.

They found cluster 3 was most resistant to insulin and had a significantly higher risk of diabetic kidney disease than those in clusters 4 and 5.Cluster 2 had the highest risk of retinopathy, which can cause blindness.The team analyzed data on newly diagnosed patients from the Swedish All New Diabetics in Scania cohort, to arrive at their findings.The findings could prove important to the millions of people diagnosed with diabetes currently in the US.

Millions more are thought to have prediabetes or blood sugar levels that are above the normal range but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetic.If you have signs of prediabetes, it’s important to see your doctor immediately.

Common warning signs include:

  1. Feeling very thirsty

  2. Peeing more regularly, especially at night

  3. Feeling really tired

  4. Weight loss and loss of muscle bulk

  5. Itching around the penis or vagina, frequent bouts of thrush

  6. Cuts or wounds than take ages to heal

  7. Blurry vision

Type 1 diabetes, which is a serious lifelong condition that typically requires insulin injections or a pump, can develop quickly over a matter of weeks, even days.In contrast, people can live with type 2 diabetes for years without realizing it, but the condition can be reversed by adopting a more healthy lifestyle and losing weight.

The new findings are published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.



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